Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): Chief Minister Mohan Yadav has said that the chemical waste of Union Carbide will not be burnt. Yadav’s statement came on Friday in the wake of protest in Pithampur where the waste has been kept.
At a press conference, Yadav said the waste had been dumped, but there was no decision to burn it. Any step that poses hazard to human life will not be taken, Yadav said, adding that everything is being done under the guidelines of court and scientists.
The place, where the waste has been kept, is the most suitable one for the purpose, he said. He urged people to keep away from those who launched a misinformation campaign, and nobody should take any wrong step.
The government is acting under the guidelines issued by court, and nobody should spread rumours out of ignorance, the Chief Minister said.
Any objection raised by people will be put up before the court, he said, adding that the party, during the rule of which the tragedy occurred, is spreading lies about the chemical waste. Yadav said those who spread rumours for political gains should be condemned.