The series of fatal accidents are not stopping in Pune. On Friday, a fatal accident on Hinjawadi-Maan Road claimed two lives. Two women were killed when a mixer truck overturned while turning and fell onto a two-wheeler.
Officials from Hinjawadi Police Station and the Hinjawadi Traffic Division rushed to the scene, and the truck was removed from the road with the help of a crane.
The two-wheeler, with registration number MH 12 XL 5744, was crushed under the mixer truck. The incident occurred around 4 PM.
Recent truck accident
Recently, in a bizarre accident in Pune, a container truck hit multiple vehicles and injured two women last week, police said.
In the accident, police informed that nine to 10 vehicles were damaged after a container truck allegedly hit them on Chakan-Shikrapur Road in Maharashtra’s Pune district.
Traveling from Chakan towards Shikrapur on Chakan-Shikrapur Road, the truck struck a woman and a young girl at Talegaon Chowk. The container then continued crashing into vehicles as it moved towards Shikrapur.
Upon receiving reports of the container colliding with vehicles on the road, officers from Chakan Police Station attempted to intercept the container using a government vehicle. However, at Bahul, the container collided with a government vehicle, an Ertiga, before continuing its reckless path. Fortunately, the police officer was unharmed in the incident.
The container, still on its destructive path, collided with several vehicles before being stopped by local residents, who placed a dumper on the road at Wajewadi, within the jurisdiction of Shikrapur Police Station. With assistance from Chakan and Shikrapur Police, the container was finally halted.