Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): In a tragic incident on Wednesday night, a car carrying three youths fell into a canal near Inayatpur village, resulting in the death of two and injuries to another. The police investigation reveals that the car was being driven by Vinit Daksha (22) while he was recording a video for a popular social media app.

The driver lost control of the car while crossing a narrow culvert, leading to the vehicle plunging into the canal. According to police officials, the three youths, Palash Gaikwad (25), Vinit Daksha, and Piyush Gajbhiye (24) were traveling in the car when the accident occurred around 11:30 PM.

Vinit, who was filming the video, failed to notice the narrow culvert in time and lost control of the vehicle. As a result, the car plunged into the canal. Piyush Gajbhiye, the lone survivor of the incident, managed to break the back glass of the car and escape. He tried to rescue his friends by opening the doors, but was unable to.

He raised an alarm, alerting locals who rushed to the scene and contacted the police. The authorities arrived with a JCB machine to extract the vehicle from the canal. Unfortunately, by the time the police arrived and retrieved the car, Palash and Vinit had already succumbed to their injuries. Piyush, who sustained injuries during the incident, was taken to the hospital for treatment.

Palash and Vinit, both employees at the Public Works Department (PWD), had secured their jobs on compassionate grounds, while Piyush is a software engineer. ACP Anjali Raghuvanshi confirmed that the incident occurred due to the driver filming a video while driving.

The car was retrieved from the canal and investigations are on to identify its owner. The bodies of the deceased have been handed over to their families after post-mortem examination.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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