Indian Railways: There is good news for the passengers of Vande Bharat Express. Information has been received that due to Mahakumbh, Indian Railways will increase the number of coaches in Dehradun-Lucknow Vande Bharat Express train. This will be done because there is a huge crowd of people at this time. Indian Railways has given this information. In which Vande Bharat Express train running on Lucknow-Dehradun route will also be included. The numbers of these trains are 22545 and 22546, in which two new coaches will be added. It is being told that Railways has started preparations for this.

When will the new coach be added?
According to media reports, Indian Railways said that both the coaches will be available to the Railways by the end of December. With the addition of the new coach, the seats during Vande Bharat Mahakumbh will also increase. Railways said that it wants to provide the benefit of comfortable travel to the people traveling during this period. Its objective is that people can get confirmed tickets and more and more devotees can participate in Mahakumbh. Let us tell you that these coaches will be attached to chair car and executive class in the train.

What is the route of the train?
Vande Bharat Express train departs from Lucknow Junction at 5:15 am, then reaches Bareilly at 8:35 am, Moradabad at 9:57 am, Haridwar at 12:15 pm and Dehradun at 1:35 pm. Whereas Dehradun to Lucknow Vande Bharat Express leaves Dehradun at 2:25 pm and reaches Lucknow Junction at around 10:40 pm. As far as Mahakumbh is concerned, this time its date will start from Monday, 13 January 2025 and will continue till 26 February 2025.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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