The Shantinagar police arrested two Bangladeshi men who were allegedly residing illegally in Bhiwandi without valid visas or documentation. The Bangladeshi nationals have been identified as Aajgar Jahur Shaikh, 35, and Nasir Abdul Aziz Khullu, 26, both of whom lived in the Navi Basti area of Bhiwandi. They were working as laborers in a pearl factory in Bhiwandi.

The police stated that they raided a house in the Babla compound, within the jurisdiction of the Shantinagar police station in Bhiwandi, on December 13. Following their arrest, the men were presented in court. Investigations revealed that they had fled Bangladesh due to poverty and unemployment in their home country.

Suresh Chopade, Assistant Police Inspector with the Shantinagar Police Station, said, “We received information about a few Bangladeshi men residing illegally in Bhiwandi. We formed a team and conducted a raid in the area. During the preliminary inquiry, we discovered that the two men had come to India after crossing the Balughat border illegally from Bangladesh. We learned that they do not have valid documents or permission to work in Bhiwandi.”

In recent years, Thane has seen a notable increase in illegal Bangladeshi migrants. In response, the police have launched a special campaign to identify and apprehend such individuals.

An FIR was registered against the men under the provisions of the Foreign Nationals Act and the Indian Passport Act, the police confirmed.

A Few Days Ago in Bhiwandi: The Anti-Human Trafficking Cell of the Thane police, on December 9, arrested six Bangladeshi women who were allegedly residing illegally in Bhiwandi without valid documentation. During the preliminary inquiry, it was discovered that they lacked valid documents and were involved in prostitution.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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