Indore (Madhya Pradesh): Two men were arrested with charas worth Rs 1.15 lakh in the Sanyogitaganj area, police said on Friday. One of the accused had sold the drugs to another to supply it further. They are being questioned further.  

Acting on a tip-off, the team of Sanyogitaganj police station in charge Satish Patel and his team was deployed for the checking near Dhar Kothi area. During the checking, a person named Mohammad Asif, a resident of Bambai Bazar was caught. He tried to flee from the custody of the police.

About 444 grams of charas was recovered from him. The value of the drugs is Rs 1.15. Police have booked the accused under section 8/20 of the NDPS Act.  Asif allegedly informed the police that he had bought the drugs from Mohammad Amir, a resident of Chhatribagh area of the city. Later, Amir was arrested by the police. He was also booked after he allegedly confessed to supplying the drugs to Asif.    

Police believed that more accused would be arrested in connection with the same. Further action is being taken against them.      

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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