TV actor Arjit Taneja recently came into limelight when he reacted sharply to a statement by producer Rajan Shahi. Rajan Shahi, who ‘Anupama’ And ‘What is this relationship called?’ Like the producer of a big show, in a recent interview explained the reason for throwing out some actors of his show overnight. Arjit expressed his displeasure on his statement on social media.

Rajan Shahi’s statement: Why were the actors fired?

by Rajan Shahi ‘Tele Chakkar’ In an interview, he told why he removed some actors from the show.

  • He said:
    “If you don’t respect my make-up artist, camera man, or spot boy, you can’t work in the show. I ousted the two lead actors of ‘Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai’ and the lead actor of ‘Anupamaa’ from the show. However, I don’t want to talk much about the actor Anupama.”
  • Which actors were removed?
    • ‘What is this relationship called?’: Pratiksha Honmukhe and Shahzada Dhami.
    • ‘Anupama’: Alisha Parveen.

Arjit Taneja’s reaction

Arjit Taneja immediately reacted to this statement of Rajan Shahi and wrote on social media:

  • “This is just one side of the story. How can it be that all actors are wrong and this man is a saint? Actors are always an easy target, and these men think they are gods.”

There was an uproar on social media

This statement of Arjit sparked debate on social media.

  • In support of Earn:
    Many people supported Arjit’s point and said that producers often blame actors without revealing the whole truth.
  • Earned against:
    Some people also criticized Arjit and said that discipline on the sets is most important.
  • Pratiksha Honmukhe’s reaction:
    Pratiksha also reacted to Arjit’s comment, due to which the matter became more discussed.

Why did this question arise?

There are often reports of tension between actors and producers in the TV industry.

  • Actors’ side:
    Arjit believes that producers target actors by misusing their power.
  • Producers’ Side:
    Producers like Rajan Shahi say that it is important to have discipline on the set and respect for all the crew members.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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