The attack on actor Saif Ali Khan continues to raise more questions than answers, despite the Mumbai police claiming to have solved the case with the arrest of an alleged Bangladeshi assailant. While the police assert they possess irrefutable evidence, public skepticism lingers over inconsistencies in the narrative.
One of the major doubts concerns the CCTV footage. Observers note that the accused bears little resemblance to the individual captured on camera fleeing Khan’s residence. Although this could be dismissed as an optical illusion, it raises enough suspicion to merit a closer examination. Further complicating the matter is the puzzling conduct of Khan’s family. Reports suggest that instead of accompanying her injured husband to Lilavati hospital, his wife chose to stay back, a decision that defies conventional behaviour in such situations, though panic often disrupts predictable actions.
Equally intriguing is the account of autorickshaw driver Bhajan Singh Rane, who claims Khan was accompanied by a man and a seven-year-old boy to the hospital. The police have yet to clarify the identities of these individuals. Most reports suggest that the man was Khan’s son from his first marriage and the boy from his second marriage. There are also reports that the man was a family acquaintance and businessman to boot. How they arrived at the scene so quickly remains unexplained.
Timeline discrepancies also cast doubt on the investigation. The police assert that Khan was admitted to the hospital at 2:47 a.m., whereas the medico-legal report records the time as 4:10 a.m., a significant gap that cannot be brushed off as a mere clerical error. The police claim to have gone by the CCTV camera recordings, but how can there be such a divergence? Moreover, confusion surrounds the weapon used in the attack. Was it a knife, as claimed by the police, or a hacksaw blade, as described by an eyewitness? Were Khan’s injuries lacerations or deep wounds?
These details, crucial to understanding the nature of the crime, remain murky. While the police have presented their findings, the silence from Khan’s family and the hospital only fuels speculation. Are they satisfied with the investigation, or do they believe there is more to the story? The public has a right to know the truth. The police must conduct a transparent and impartial investigation, free from any attempts to protect reputations or suppress facts. With eyewitness accounts and ample evidence, this should not be a complicated case. Mumbai police’s responsibility is clear: uncover the truth and hold the guilty accountable. Anything less would be a disservice to both justice and public trust. The police should remember their credibility is also under scrutiny.