The ongoing trade war between the US and China has made headlines worldwide, but in the meantime Donald Trump’s Press Secretary Caroline Levit has become a social media star in China.
There are many reasons behind this, including their beauty, confidence and the style of answering to journalists. Videos of sharp debate with journalists in his white house are making a splash on Chinese social media.
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Who is Caroline Levitt?
The 27 -year -old Caroline Lewitt is the US’s youngest White House Press Secretary.
In 2020, Trump has worked as an assistant press secretary in administration.
The Congress contested in 2022 but lost.
In 2024, the Trump became the press secretary in the administration again.
She is married to Real Estate Developer Nicholas Recio and has recently become a mother.
“Caroline’s beauty and confident style of speaking is making her viral in China.”
Why is there a discussion in China?
1. Video going viral on social media
- In Caroline’s press conference, videos arguing with journalists are rapidly spreading on Chinese social media.
- She responds impeccable, attracting the Chinese audience.
2. Chinese users influenced by confidence and speaking style
According to the report of South China Morning Post –
- Jhang Jiyai, a social media user from Shandong province, wrote:
“He is really beautiful, golden haired and very impressive speaker.”
- Another user Steven Tian said:
“He is smart, strong and fresh. We should learn from them how to speak confidently in the workplace. ”
3. Symbol of changing thinking of women in China
Women were traditionally seen in domestic roles in China.
Now women are paying more attention to education and career.
Caroline is seen as a new image of modern and independent women in China.
The effect of America-China trade war
America and China are carrying out tariff attacks on each other, increasing business tension.
Meanwhile, Caroline Levit’s popularity in China is interesting political developments.
Apart from the news of trade war, Chinese public is now focused on this new face of American politics.