Bollywood actress Triptii Dimri was spotted enjoying a cosy scooter ride with rumoured boyfriend Sam Merchant in Mumbai on Sunday night. However, she didn’t seem to be in a mood to pose for the paps and was seen hiding her face as Sam quickly zoomed the scooty out of the spot.
Several videos have now gone viral in which Triptii can be seen riding pillion on Sam’s Honda X ADV 750 scooter. The scooty is registered in Arunachal Pradesh and is priced at a whopping Rs 12 lakh.
Both Triptii and Sam kept it casual as they twinned in white and blue. While Sam wore a white shirt and light blue jeans, the actress was seen in a white top and navy blue pants. She also covered her face with a mask, and as soon as she saw the paps recording her, she turned her face away from the cameras to escape their lenses.
Netizens also noticed how both of them were riding without helmet in peak Mumbai traffic, thus flouting a major rule. “Where is helmet?” a user asked on Instagram, while another wrote, “Sad to see such educated people not giving shit about wearing helmet”.
While Triptii and Sam have not announced their relationship publically, the two are often spotted enjoying dinner dates in the city and exploring the world together on their romantic getaways.
Meanwhile, Triptii also celebrated one year of Animal on Sunday, the film which made her the new “national crush”. She took to her Instagram to share a slew of photos from the sets of Animal along with the caption, “Seems like yesterday.”
While she had been a part of showbiz for several years, it was her small yet significant role in the much-debated film, Animal, that propelled her to overnight fame and success.