Nashik: Tribal Students Shine In CS Hackathon, Win Laptops And Smart TVs For Innovative Projects |
A two-day Computer Science (CS) Hackathon competition was recently organized in collaboration with Leadership for Equity, Scratch Foundation, and the Tribal Development Department. Twelve teachers and 36 students from six ashram schools under the Kalvan and Rajur Integrated Tribal Development Project Office participated in this competition. Students gained experience in creating projects by handling real laptops and computers. The competition was colorful with the inventions of tribal students.
The CS Hackathon competition was the final stage of the Computer Science Hackathon Festival organized by teachers and students in ashram schools under the Kalvan and Rajur Project Office. In this competition, students aimed to find solutions to real-life problems such as deforestation, waste management, child marriage, elimination of superstitions, plastic pollution, and water scarcity through various projects. This helped in developing team spirit, creativity, and presentation skills among the students.
Meanwhile, the winning ashram schools in the competition were awarded digital devices like laptops and smart TVs in the presence of Assistant Project Officer (Education) Shailesh Patel and UNDP Education Advisor Amruta Bhalerao. Commissioner Leena Bansod, Deputy Commissioner Santosh Thube, Project Officer Akunuri Naresh, and Devkanya Bokde guided the planning of the competition. The Leadership for Equity team worked hard to make the event a success.
Kelikotul Government Ashram School of Rajur Project Office won first position in the Computer Science (CS) Hackathon competition. Paithan Government Secondary and Higher Secondary School won second position. Chanakapur Government Secondary and Higher Secondary Ashram School of Kalvan Project Office won third position. Mveshi Eklavya Residential School also performed well and won an award.
Meanwhile, Leena Bansod, Commissioner of the Tribal Development Department, said, “As per the National Education Policy 2020, students will have to acquire computer skills. A Computer Science Hackathon competition was organized among tribal students of classes 4 to 8 of Ashramshala to develop computational thinking, communication skills, logic, and block-based coding skills with the help of the Scratch platform. Students presented various projects in the competition.”