Have you ever felt that while holding a cup of tea, your hands tremble lightly? Or sometimes there is so much vibration in the hands that it becomes difficult to wear everyday works like writing, wearing clothes or driving? This is called tremor or hand trembling. Light vibration can be normal and there is no need to panic, but if it is repeatedly and starts obstructing your work, it would not be right to ignore it. Sometimes hands tremble due to more fatigue, stress, caffeine or side effects of some medicines.
It can also be a sign of Parkinson, thyroid imbalance or neurological disorder. The right diet, exercise, stress control and adequate sleep can prevent it to a great extent. But if the problem is increasing, it is necessary to consult a doctor.
What is the relationship with the brain of shaking hands,
The activities of our hands are under the control of the brain. When the brain does not function properly or any disease affects it, the hands can tremble. These can be some of the main reasons for this.
Parkinson’s disease, It is a severe neurological disease, in which brain cells gradually weaken. It affects the hands, causing them to tremble.
Essential tremor, This is the most common kind of hand trembling, which often moves from the family to generation from the family to generation. In this, hands tremble when you try to do something, such as while writing or while catching something.
Brain injuries, If there is a head injury, stroke or damage to the brain for some reason, then hands can still tremble.
Other reasons that can cause hands trembling
Thyroid problem, If thyroid hormones in the body start excessively (hyperthyroidism), then it can affect the veins and muscles, which makes the hands feel vibration.
Drug side effects, Some medicines affect the nervous system of the body, which can tremble hands. If you feel like this, consult a doctor immediately.
Stress and nervousness, If you are very stressed or worrying, it affects your body and nervous system, which can tremble hands.
How to avoid trembling hands,
If your hands are constantly trembling and it is hindering your everyday life, then consult a doctor.
Follow a healthy lifestyle
Eat nutritious food.
Exercise daily.
Get enough sleep so that the body and mind get relief.
Remove stress
Do yoga and meditation.
Get into the habit of taking deep breaths.
Take the help of an expert if needed.
Pay attention to medicines
If you feel that you are trembling hands with a medicine, talk to the doctor and ask about changing the medicine or reducing its quantity.