Palghar: A tragic incident has unfolded as an Indian fisherman, a resident of Gujarat, has passed away in a hospital within a Pakistani prison. This untimely death has ignited fear and concern among the families of other Indian fishermen currently detained in Pakistan, many of whom have already completed their sentences.
The fisherman, who was arrested by Pakistan’s Maritime Security Agency in 2022, had finished serving his sentence by the time of his death. His Indian nationality was communicated to the Pakistani authorities by the Indian government well in advance.
As per the Agreement on Consular Access between India and Pakistan, Clause (5) states that, “Prisoners from one country who have completed their sentences and whose nationality has been confirmed must be released and repatriated to their respective countries within one month.” Despite this provision, the fisherman was not repatriated as required.
The lack of communication between the prisoners in Pakistan and their families in India has only worsened the sense of anxiety. These detainees are living in constant uncertainty, with little to no contact with their loved ones, adding to the emotional distress they already endure.
Currently, 216 Indian fishermen are being held in the Malir Jail in Karachi, Pakistan. Nearly 170 of them have completed their sentences, and their nationalities have been confirmed.
However, many of these individuals, including the fisherman who recently passed away, should have been released according to the terms of the consular agreement.
This tragic event has led to a growing call for the immediate release of all Indian fishermen who have completed their sentences, as stipulated by international agreements.
Families and human rights advocates are urging Pakistan to take swift action and honor its commitments under international law to ensure the safe return of these detainees.