Ahmedabad, January 11: In a shocking incident, an 8-year-old girl named Gargi Ranpara, who was a class 3 student at Zebar School in Gujarat’s Ahmedabad, passed away on Friday (January 10) morning allegedly due to heart attack. The tragic incident was caught on camera and the video of the incident is doing rounds on social media. It can be seen in the video that the girl suddenly collapsed in the school corridor while she was sitting on a chair and died. Doctors suspect a heart attack caused her condition to deteriorate and sudden death.
Details About The Incident
The incident occurred at around 7:35 AM inside the school premises located in Ahmedabad’s Thaltej area. Gargi, who lived in the Bodakdev area, had arrived at school by bus. After climbing the stairs to the first floor, she felt unwell and sat on a chair. Moments later, she collapsed from the chair. Teachers noticed her condition, immediately gave her CPR and called for an ambulance.
Since the ambulance was delayed, the school principal and teachers decided to take Gargi to a nearby private hospital in their own vehicle. However, despite their efforts, doctors declared her dead upon arrival.
It can be seen in the video that the girl is initially standing and starts feeling unwell after a while. She walks a few steps and sits on the chair in the corridor of the school. A few students notice her while she was sitting on the chair, however, they do not raise an alarm as they were not aware about the seriousness of the situation. The teachers are also seen in the video standing and chatting with each other nearby, they also fail to notice the girl on time.
According to doctors, Gargi’s sudden collapse was likely due to a heart attack.
No Medical History Reported
Gargi had been studying at the school since the first grade. Her family had not shared any medical history that could have warned of such an event. Her father, a businessman in Mumbai, and her mother, who is currently also in Mumbai, were not present in Ahmedabad at the time. Gargi was staying with her grandparents. She was the only child of her parents.
Investigation Underway
Police stated that there were no signs of foul play in the incident. A post-mortem was conducted, and her viscera samples have been sent to the Forensic Science Laboratory (FSL) for further analysis. Based on the results, additional investigations or actions will follow.
Urgent Need Of Lifestyle Change
The incidents of sudden deaths due to heart attacks is on the rise among the youngsters and also children. The incident highlights the urgent need of change in lifestyle of the children and also the importance of monitoring the cardiovascular health of all the citizens, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic. Such incidents have spiked mostly after the pandemic.