The proposed twin-tube tunnel road project in Bengaluru has recently sparked controversy. The toll rates proposed in the Detailed Project Report (DPR) prepared for this project have become a matter of concern for commuters. A toll of Rs 330 has been proposed for this 16.6 km long tunnel road connecting Hebbal and Silk Board Junction, which comes to about Rs 20 per kilometer.

The report also mentioned that toll rates will be increased by 5% annually in the coming years, which will be based on the Wholesale Price Index (WPI). This increase will be made considering the financial year 2030-31 as the base year. However, currently only toll rates for cars are mentioned; Toll rates for other vehicles are not yet clear, but it is estimated that they may be higher.

Interestingly, the consultancy that prepared the DPR, Roddick Consultants Pvt Ltd, has mentioned in the report the traffic situation between Malegaon and Nashik, which is not related to the Bengaluru project. This error has raised concerns among officials and raised questions on the credibility of the consultancy.

Earlier, to deal with the traffic jam in Bengaluru, BBMP had proposed to build 16 flyovers and 2 tunnel roads, which include tunnel roads, double decker flyovers, elevated corridors, underpasses etc.

Reactions from commuters and local residents to toll rates and other details of the project have been mixed. Some people consider it necessary and hope to get rid of the traffic problem, while others are questioning the high toll rates and the credibility of the consultancy.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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