Today is 03 January 2024, Friday. Chaturthi Tithi of Paush Shukla Paksha will last till 11:40 pm, after which Panchami Tithi will start. On this day, Moon will be in Capricorn and Ghanishtha Nakshatra will be there. Also, there will be a combination of Vajra Yoga during the day. Abhijeet Muhurat for auspicious works will be from 12:04 pm to 12:45 pm. Note, the time of Rahukaal will be from 11:08 am to 12:25 pm, during this time one should avoid doing any auspicious work.

Importance of Hindu calendar

hindu almanacalso called Vedic calendar, is used for accurate calculation of time and period. Panchang is made up of five parts:

  1. date
  2. constellation
  3. wise
  4. sum
  5. Karan

Panchang provides information about auspicious time, Rahukaal, sunrise-sunset time, position of planets, Hindu month, and paksha etc.

Auspicious time and information of 03 January 2025

  • Chaturthi Tithi End: Till 11:40 pm.
  • Panchami Tithi starts: After 11:40 pm.
  • Vajra Yoga: Till 12:37 pm.
  • Ghanishtha Nakshatra: Till 10:22 pm.

Special fasts and festivals

  • Today Vinayak Shri Ganesh Chaturthi A fast will be observed.

03 January 2025: Special Muhurta

  1. Amrit Kaal: From 6:06 am to 7:42 am.
  2. Twilight time: From 6:23 to 7:25 pm.
  3. Vijay Muhurta: From 2:23 to 3:25 pm.
  4. Nishith Muhurat: From 11:41 pm to 12:20 am.
  5. wee hours: From 4:03 to 5:08 in the morning.

Rahukaal timings (city wise)

  • Delhi: 11:08 am to 12:45 pm.
  • Mumbai: 11:20 am to 12:43 pm.
  • Chandigarh: 11:11 am to 12:27 pm.
  • Lucknow: 10:52 am to 12:11 pm.
  • Bhopal: 11:04 am to 12:24 pm.
  • Kolkata: 10:20 am to 11:41 am.
  • Ahmedabad: 11:23 am to 12:44 pm.
  • Chennai: 10:48 am to 12:13 pm.

sunrise and sunset time

  • Sunrise: 7:14 am.
  • sunset: 5:36 pm.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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