Planetary position:

Guru is located in Taurus, Mars in Gemini, Ketu in Virgo, Saturn is located in Aquarius. At sunrise, the Moon will remain in Sagittarius sign and by noon, they will enter Capricorn. Sun, Mercury, Venus and Rahu are transiting in Pisces, while Mercury and Venus are in retrograde.

Daily horoscope of 12 zodiac signs


Career: You will get business success.
Health: Will be better than before.
Love/child: Feeling a short distance.
Remedy: Greetings to Shani Dev.


Luck: Luckily some tasks will be completed.
Health: Need to pay attention.
Prem/Child: Take care of the health of children.
Remedy: Keep green items near, bow to Shani Dev.


Caution: The risk of theft or fraud.
Health/Love/Business: Will remain moderate.
Remedy: Salute Kali ji.


Career: Success in job, support of life partner.
Health: Will improve.
Love/Child: General Status.
Remedy: Keep a red item near.

Leo (Leo)

Health: Will be slightly moderate.
Love/child: It will be good.
Business: Will be good.
Remedy: Keep blue items near, seek the blessings of the elderly.


Avoid emotional decisions.
Health: May be affected.
Love/child: will remain moderate.
Business: Will be fine.
Remedy: Greetings to Shani Dev.

Libra (Libra)

There are signs of home discord.
Health: Looks affected.
Love/child: Will be fine.
Business: Will run at normal speed.
Remedy: Keep green items nearby.


Parakram: Will give success.
Employment: Will get progress.
Health/Prem/Child: It will be good.
Remedy: Donate green items.


Possibility of loss of money, avoid investment.
Health: Will be moderate.
Love/child: Will be fine.
Business: Will be normal.
Remedy: Keep yellow object near.


Energy: Positivity will remain.
Health: Great.
Love/Child: Medium Status.
Business: Will be normal.
Remedy: Salute Kali ji.


There will be excess of anxiety and expenditure.
Health: Looks affected.
Love/child: It will be good.
Business: Will be good.
Remedy: Keep green items nearby.


Income: New sources will be created.
Pleasant news: Will be received.
Health: Will be moderate.
Love/child/business: Will be good.
Remedy: Offer white object to Kali ji.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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