Papamochani Ekadashi 2025: Ekadashi is very important in Hinduism. There are two Ekadashi in each month. Lord Vishnu is worshiped on Ekadashi. Ekadashi, which comes before Chaitra Navratri in the Krishna Paksha of Phalgun month, is called Ekadashi with sins. By observing the fast of Papamochani Ekadashi, one gets freedom from unknown sins and wishes are also fulfilled by the grace of Lord Vishnu. Let us know how to keep the fast of Papamochani Ekadashi and which mantras should be chanting to get auspicious results.
By observing this fast, Lord Vishnu will get affection.
Papamochani Ekadashi is celebrated on the same day in both North India and South India. Devotees who want to get the love and affection of Lord Vishnu, they are advised to keep a fast on this Ekadashi. On the day of Papamocha Ekadashi, devotees should worship Lakshmi Narayan according to bathing, meditation and religious rituals. After this, feed Ekadashi by providing food.
Fasting on Tuesday, parana on Wednesday
According to the almanac, this year Papamochani Ekadashi will start tomorrow on 25 March 2025 at 5.5 am. Which will end on 26 March at 3:45 am. This means that this year Papamocha Ekadashi is falling on 25 March, Tuesday. On this day, worship Lord Srihari with devotion and pass the fast, the fast of the fast will be on the next day i.e. 26 March Wednesday.
Chant these mantras on Papamochani Ekadashi
Invocation and Obeisance to Lord Krishna.
Om Vishnuve Namah.
ॐ Narayana is intelligent, Vasudev is slow, Vishnu first appears.
Fasting Ekadashi gives relief from sufferings.
Rare Shiva Yoga is being formed on the Ekadashi of this repentance day. Along with this, a coincidence of Shiva and Siddha Yoga is also being made. Worshiping Lord Vishnu and Goddess Lakshmi in this yoga gives the devotee get the desired fruit. Apart from this, it is also said that keeping this Ekadashi fast gives freedom from all kinds of sorrows.
The glory of Ekadashi fast for the prevention of sins
According to the Padma Purana, when the King Maurata was saddened by his sins, he was asked to observe the fast of Papamochani Ekadashi to atone for sins. The king observed this fast, with the effect of which he got freedom from his sins. Lord Krishna himself told Arjuna about the glory of Ekadashi fast for the prevention of sins.