The wedding of Telugu actor Samantha’s ex-husband Nagachaitanya and Shobhita Dhulipala is taking place in a grand manner today. This is the second marriage of Naga Chaitanya, son of Nagarjuna Akkineni. He divorced his first wife, Samantha, in 2021. Nagachaitanya and Shobhita got engaged in August. Although there were minor rumors that the two were dating, it was not confirmed until the engagement took place. The wedding programs have started from yesterday itself and at the auspicious time of 8.15 pm, Nagachaitanya-Shobhita will become husband and wife.
Naga Chaitanya and Shobhita Dhulipala’s wedding will take place in a grand manner at Annapurna Studios in Hyderabad. The wedding will be attended by members of both the families, their relatives, close friends and some dignitaries. Telugu film industry biggies like Chiranjeevi, Allu Arjun, Nayanthara, Akkineni and Daggubati family, NTR, Ramcharan, Upasana, Mahesh Babu, Namrata Shirodkar, PV Sindhu and others have been invited.

Nagarjuna is like giving an expensive gift

Well, Naga Chaitanya was the son of Nagarjuna and his ex-wife Lakshmi Daggubati. Nagarjuna and Lakshmi were married in 1984 and divorced in 1990. His son was Naga Chaitanya. Now Nagarjuna is gifting a huge amount to his sons Nagachaitanya and Shobhita. There is also news that he has also bought a car worth Rs 2.5 crore for this couple.
Naga Chaitanya, who recently talked about his second marriage, said, ‘I am deeply attached to Shobhita. She understands me very well. Shobhita filled the emptiness inside me. He said that he will definitely have a wonderful married life with her.
Nagarjuna also praised his future daughter-in-law. He said in an interview, “Shobhita is really a very nice girl. He has the talent to do any kind of films and series. She said that she gets along very well with everyone.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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