6th December is a very special date in Indian cricket. Five star players of Team India celebrate on the same day. On this date, Jasprit Bumrah, Shreyas Iyer, Ravindra Jadeja, Karun Nair and RP Singh celebrate their birthday together. This time Bumrah’s birthday celebration will be on Australian soil and Sir Jadeja will also be with him. Not only will there be a party on Kangaroo land, there will also be preparations for a double celebration at the house of Iyer Saheb, who recently received Rs 26.75 crore. Karun Nair, who made the record of triple century in Test cricket, also celebrates his birthday on this day.

Bumrah-Jaddu celebration in Australia

Jasprit Bumrah, who led Team India to victory in the Border-Gavaskar series in Perth, was born on 6 December. Boom-Boom Bumrah will celebrate his birthday this time in the land of kangaroos. Along with Bumrah, Ravindra Jadeja will also take part in this celebration and will be seen celebrating his 36th birthday. Bumrah’s performance in the first test was excellent. Under his captaincy, Bumrah led Team India to a big victory of 295 runs against Australia. Along with this, Jadeja did not get a chance in the playing eleven in the first Test, hence he will be eager to play in the Adelaide Test on his birthday.

Shrey Iyer will drown in celebration

Shreyas Iyer, who fetched Rs 26.75 crore in the IPL 2025 mega auction, also has a birthday on December 6. This time a lot of money has been showered on Iyer, so this birthday is definitely going to be special for him. Even in the Syed Mushtaq Ali tournament, Iyer is making a lot of noise with his bat and is all set to make a comeback in Team India. This time Iyer has been bought by Punjab Kings in the mega auction. Shreyas will celebrate his 30th birthday.

It is also the birthday of RP Singh-Karun Nair.

Former Indian fast bowler RP Singh’s birthday is also on 6th December. RP played an important role with the ball in the 2007 T20 World Cup. He bowled killer bowling against South Africa and got Team India a ticket to the semi-finals. At the same time, Karun Nair, who became famous in every household after scoring a triple century in Test cricket, was also born on 6 December. This time Delhi Capitals has included Karun in its team in the mega auction.



Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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