When Virat Kohli returned after the end of the Test series against Australia, he went to Vrindavan. He came to see Premanandji Maharaj with his wife Anushka Sharma and children. After this he came to Vrindavan to see Radhavallabhaji. A video of this has surfaced in which Virat is sitting with folded hands and Anushka is lying on the ground and prostrating herself.
For Virat, study is the true spiritual practice.
Let us tell you that a few days ago, Virat’s family had reached Premanand Maharaj. Then the Indian cricketer also asked what should he do when he is unable to score runs on the field?
On this, Maharajji said that just as devotion to God is a spiritual practice for him, in the same way when Virat scores a century or plays a big innings or India wins, the whole country celebrates. Maharaj said that while Virat may be a source of happiness for the entire nation, studying cricket is a true spiritual practice for him and he should never stop practicing.
Will Virat Kohli play Ranji Trophy?
Reaching Vrindavan amidst this poor form shows that Virat is determined to score a lot of runs for India. The figures for the year 2024 are not at all good for them. On one hand, Virat has come with his family to meet Radhavallabhaji, while on the other hand, speculations have started about his playing in Ranji Trophy.
Will Virat Kohli play in the Champions Trophy?
Ultimately he went to Vrindavan in 2023 and there he met Premanandji Maharaj. Soon after, their three-year century drought ended. At that time he had played an inning of 160 runs in the ODI match against Sri Lanka. Shortly after this, after a long wait, he also scored a century in the test match. Let us tell you that the Champions Trophy is also coming near, in such a situation his place in Team India seems to be confirmed.