Rohtas Sasaram bike fell into canal: A horrific road accident took place early this morning near Sasaram in Rohtas district of Bihar. Where the bike suddenly went out of control in Suryapura police station area and fell into the Lakhui Lakha canal. Due to which three youths riding the bike died tragically.

According to the information received, all three were returning from a birthday party at the deceased’s sister’s house, when this accident happened. The incident came to light in the morning when some local youth went out for a morning walk.


All three bodies were sent for post-mortem

As soon as the information was received, the police immediately reached the spot. And all three bodies were taken into custody and sent for postmortem. All three youths are residents of Gunsej village and belong to the same family. The deceased include Priyanshu Kumar, 25-year-old son of Mundrika Singh, Ankit Kumar, 25-year-old son of Sanjay Singh and Shashiranjan alias Manu Kumar, 23-year-old son of Rameshwar Singh.

He was returning at night after celebrating his sister’s birthday.

The villagers told police station in-charge Priya Kumari, who reached the spot, that the three youths were going to their village Gunsej at night after celebrating their birthday from their sister’s village, when this accident happened at night.


Sad atmosphere in the entire area in the new year

After this accident, the atmosphere has become gloomy as New Year celebrations continue in the entire area. All three deceased belonged to the same family. It was Shashiranjan alias Manu Kumar’s birthday at his sister’s house. He was also accompanied by his cousin Priyanshu Kumar and nephew Ankit Kumar. All three belonged to the same bike. However, it is not yet known how the bike fell into the canal.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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