Winter season further increases joint pain. In such a situation, those people who have increased uric acid or who suffer from arthritis need to be more cautious. Food and drink play a very important role in this. In the cold season, such things which are hot are preferred in the diet. It also includes white sesame seeds.

Actually, white sesame seeds provide many health benefits. But it should not be consumed if there is a complaint of high uric acid. Because it contains some toxins, which reach the body and increase uric acid.

Reasons for increased uric acid

Experts say that uric acid levels can increase due to irregular daily routine, eating habits and lack of exercise. By improving these habits and taking some precautions, you can control the problem of uric acid.

Consuming Amla is beneficial

According to Ayurveda, consumption of Amla during cold days helps in controlling uric acid levels. Vitamin C present in Amla is helpful in reducing the amount of uric acid in the body and it also provides relief in joint pain.

These home remedies are also beneficial

Apart from Amla, Triphala, Neem leaves and Ashwagandha can also be helpful in reducing uric acid. It can also prove effective in reducing joint pain during winter season.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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