The Railway Minister has rejected the delay in starting the production process of Vande Bharat Sleeper Train. It is being claimed that the construction process of the train is being delayed due to design approval issues. According to PTI news, Vaishnav said that design was never an issue for the Russian company chosen to build these trains. Quoting officials of Russian company Transmashholding (TMH), the news has come that Indian Railways has demanded toilet and pantry car in the train, due to which there is a need for change in the design of the train. The Railway Minister has rejected it.

The company addressed the Railway Ministry’s concerns about the design change and sent it to the ministry for approval, but the ministry is yet to give its consent, the report said. The Railway Minister rejected this also. According to the news, the company has to make 1,920 coaches of Vande Bharat sleeper train as per the contract.

work faster to increase production

Indian Railways is working rapidly to increase the production of Vande Bharat sleeper trains. The indigenously developed Vande Bharat sleeper train will travel long distances and overnight. After BEML, the national transporter is working to start production of 1920 coaches for Vande Bharat sleeper trains at its Latur-based rail coach factory. According to ETNow, the national transporter has awarded the contract to manufacture the new version of the Vande Bharat Express train to three companies – BEML, Kinect Railway Solutions (a joint venture between Russian rolling stock major TMH and Rail Vikas Nigam Limited) and Titagarh. The award was given to a consortium of Rail Systems Limited and Bharat Heavy Engineering Limited (BHEL). Among them, Kinect Railway Solutions will produce coaches for Indian Railways’ Vande Bharat sleeper trains under a US$6.5 billion contract.

The first Vande Bharat sleeper train will run on this route

According to reports, the first Vande Bharat sleeper train will run on the New Delhi to Srinagar route. Commercial operation of this train will start in January 2025. This semi-high-speed train will run on the Udhampur-Srinagar-Baramulla rail link, which will provide a better travel experience to the passengers with modern facilities. Vande Bharat Sleeper train will cover the distance of over 800 km between New Delhi and Srinagar in less than 13 hours. For the first time, there will be direct rail connectivity between New Delhi and Kashmir Valley, where till now there is no such direct link.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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