Currently, 68 km of Bengaluru-Chennai Expressway has been opened in Karnataka and 1,600 to 2,000 vehicles are using this route for travel. This toll-free route connects Hoskote to KGF, where drivers use rural roads to reach Malabagal and Andhra Pradesh border. According to the Times of India, the last 3 km of this section. And the remaining road outside Karnataka is expected to open by the end of the year.

This expressway will connect three states

The expressway is 260 km long, which reaches Sriperumbudur near Chennai via Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu. Its speed limit is 120 kilometers per hour. An NHAI official said that the drivers have started using the road from Hoskote to Bethamangala. Road safety measures have been implemented during this period. However, the toll collection is not yet implemented, so at the moment all types of vehicles can take advantage of it. NHAI is waiting for the next instructions for toll recovery.

Two toll plazas are expected to be set up in Karnataka. Like the Bengaluru-Mysore highway, some vehicles are expected to be banned on the Bengaluru-Chennai Expressway. This may include bikes, auto-rickshaws and tractors. The new road is connected to the Satellite Town Ring Road (STRR) from Dubaspet to Hoskote, which connects Tumkuru Road and Bangalore-Hyderabad Road to the expressway.

Pipeline became a problem

Despite the completion of the expressway in Karnataka, the water pipeline remains a challenge from the Koramangala-Challaghta (KC) Valley to Kolathur (near Hoskote Clovelif). NHAI is preparing to build a 480 meter long ramp for drivers and an underpass for local villagers for drivers. The pipeline was set up in 2016-17 to supply clean water to Kolar Lakes. For this pipeline, NHAI will have to cooperate with the Minor Irrigation Department to assess the underpass.

The travel time from the expressway is expected to be significantly reduced, but to reach there from Bangalore, he will have to go through heavy traffic on the old Madras Road. Motor drivers often face congestion at various places including SV Road Metro Station and KR Pura, which has become a major obstacle for traffic.

To deal with this problem, NHAI has proposed to widen the Bengaluru-Kolar highway to four to ten lane (six lane main line and four lane service road) due to increasing traffic. More than 90,000 vehicles pass through Hoskote toll gate daily, causing traffic jams at places like TC Palya and Battarhalli.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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