Neelam Giri – Nirahua Bhojpuri Dance Video: Superstar and MP Dinesh Lal Yadav Nirhua has raised the temperature on social media with his romance videos. Nirhua is sometimes seen romancing with Amrapali Dube, sometimes Akshara Singh and sometimes Kajal Raghw. on the Internet. Now meanwhile, a romantic song by Nirahua and Bhojpuri actress is going viral. Which his fans are also very fond of.

The romance between Nirhua and this actress is being seen in the Bhojpuri song ‘Madam Patakha’, which is becoming increasingly viral on YouTube. This song is being liked a lot which is sung by Mohan Rathore and Swati Sharma.

The lyrics of this song have been penned by Satya Sanwarkar. You can watch this video on Wave Music YouTube channel where it is uploaded. Till now this video has been viewed 1.5k times.

In this video, Nirahua is seen getting angry and the actress is seen convincing him. This song has been shot in the fields, where Nirahua runs away from the actors. But the actress holds him in her arms. In the video, the actress is wearing a black short dress, in which she is looking very hot. So there Superstar Nirahua is seen wearing a T-shirt and jeans.

Seeing this look of the actress, the boys are going in love with her. Although the actress has many such Bhojpuri songs, in which she makes her fans crazy with her hot looks.

The post This actress was seen clutching Amrapali’s onscreen husband Nirahua in front of everyone in her arms appeared first on ..