In the summer season, people often prefer to drink sugarcane juice to get relief from strong sunlight and thirst. Sugarcane juice is cold and rich in nutrients, including calcium, copper, magnesium, manganese, iron and potassium such as minerals, as well as vitamins A, B1, B2, B3 and C, which are beneficial for health. However, do you know that sugarcane juice can cause health problems for some people? According to several researches, prolonged consumption of polycosanol chemicals found in sugarcane can cause insomnia, stomach upset, dizziness, headache and obesity. Let’s know which people should not consume sugarcane juice.
These people should not drink sugarcane juice:
1. Obesity
Sugarcane juice contains high amounts of calories and sugars, causing it to cause obesity. According to research, sugarcane juice contains about 270 calories and 100 grams of sugar. Regular intake of it can increase weight.
2. Diabetes
Diabetes patients should not drink sugarcane juice, as it has high natural sugar, which can increase blood sugar level rapidly.
3. Cholesterol
If your cholesterol is already increased, avoid consuming sugarcane juice. Excessive intake of this can increase bad cholesterol (LDL), which is harmful to the body. Consuming excess sugar increases LDL cholesterol in liver, which can reduce good cholesterol (HDL).
4. Insomnia problem
If you have stress or insomnia problems, do not consume too much sugarcane juice. Polycosanol present in sugarcane can disturb sleep, which can increase insomnia.
5. Cavity in teeth
Drinking excessive amounts of sugarcane juice can cause cavity to the teeth. Sugarcane sweetness can be harmful for teeth health.