Liver plays a special role in digesting food in the body. But sometimes we eat foods high in fat, refined flour, processed foods, which adversely affect the functioning of the liver. Due to which the liver stops functioning properly.

When liver gets damaged, symptoms like fever, vomiting, nausea, inability to digest food properly start appearing. Along with this, many other problems also start arising in the body. If you want to keep your liver always fit, then you should include some food items in your diet, which will help in easily removing the dirt accumulated in the liver.

Everyone knows that garlic is high in antioxidants. One of these antioxidants is allicin. Which helps protect the liver from oxidative damage. The antioxidant allicin present here helps in producing more enzymes that protect the liver and improve its health by detoxifying the liver. Therefore garlic is very important for liver health.

Can Green Tea Help Prevent Liver Cancer?  - he p

green tea
Most people drink green tea to reduce obesity and belly fat because green tea improves the metabolic system. But green tea not only improves the metabolic system but it is also beneficial for liver health. Consuming two cups of green tea daily also keeps the liver healthy. People who have non-alcoholic fatty liver disease should drink green tea every day. But the quantity of green tea should not be more than two cups.

turmeric turmeric
It is a mine of qualities. It should be eaten every day in some form or the other. Curcumin present in turmeric is a bioactive compound that protects the liver from damage, injury and inflammation. Apart from this, turmeric also increases insulin sensitivity and lipid metabolism, which helps in keeping the body healthy.

If you are experiencing symptoms of liver damage in your body, you should start including this food in your diet every day to detoxify and heal it. Beetroot is also included in this list. Eating which helps in removing toxic elements from the liver. It also prevents inflammation and damage.


If you want to detox the liver then definitely include broccoli in your diet. But instead of eating broccoli whole raw, eat it after lightly cooking it. It helps detoxify the liver and prevent problems like fatty liver and liver tumors.