Bad cholesterol is also called low-density lipoprotein (LDL). This is a type of cholesterol in our body, which can get deposited in the blood vessels. Due to this the risk of heart disease is higher. Bad cholesterol is produced in the liver and then binds with lipoproteins and dissolves in the blood.

Nutritionist Namami Aggarwal says that if the level of bad cholesterol increases in the body, it gets deposited in the walls of the blood vessels and forms plaque, which is called atherosclerosis. This plaque can reduce blood flow, which can lead to heart stroke and heart attack. Experts say that some cheap fruits can be included in the diet to reduce the increased cholesterol in the body.

eat apple

Apple is very effective in controlling bad cholesterol. Apples contain soluble fiber and pectin, which help remove cholesterol from the blood. Eating an apple daily keeps cholesterol levels in check.


Vitamin C is found in abundance in pineapple. An enzyme called bromelain is found in pineapple. It dries up the bad cholesterol stuck in the veins. Along with this, it also cleans the body from inside.

orange and lemon

Vitamin C is considered extremely beneficial in reducing cholesterol. Therefore, you must include orange, lemon, grapes and seasonal fruits in your diet. Eating an orange or seasonal fruit daily keeps cholesterol under control.

green grapes

Grapes contain antioxidants and fiber, which help in reducing cholesterol. It contains an element called resveratrol, which is good for heart health. Eating grapes regularly keeps cholesterol under control.

Eat a healthy diet to control bad cholesterol. Avoid eating too much fried and spicy food from outside. Along with this, exercise daily.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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