Besides maintaining our bones, immune system, and mood, vitamin D is essential for many other things.
Vitamin D deficiency often causes fatigue and weakness. This is because Vitamin D affects our body's metabolism, which reduces energy production.
Vitamin D deficiency often causes fatigue and weakness. This is because Vitamin D affects our body’s metabolism, which reduces energy production.
Vitamin D is essential for bone health. Its deficiency can cause weakness and pain in bones. This is because vitamin D is essential for calcium absorption.
Vitamin D is essential for bone health. Its deficiency can cause weakness and pain in bones. This is because vitamin D is essential for calcium absorption.
Vitamin D deficiency can cause muscle weakness and pain. This affects the ability of the muscles to work.
Vitamin D deficiency can cause muscle weakness and pain. This affects the ability of the muscles to work.
For some people, vitamin D deficiency can cause migraines or headaches.
For some people, vitamin D deficiency can cause migraines or headaches.
Vitamin D impacts our brain health. Its deficiency can lead to mood swings, anxiety and depression.
Vitamin D impacts our brain health. Its deficiency can lead to mood swings, anxiety and depression.
Vitamin D strengthens our immune system but its deficiency weakens the immune system and increases the risk of frequent infections.
Vitamin D strengthens our immune system but its deficiency weakens the immune system and increases the risk of frequent infections.
Deficiency of Vitamin D can increase the problem of acne. Vitamin D is also essential for hair health. Its deficiency can cause hair fall.
Deficiency of Vitamin D can increase the problem of acne. Vitamin D is also essential for hair health. Its deficiency can cause hair fall.
Vitamin D is also very important for dental health. Its deficiency can cause problems like tooth cavity and gum disease.
Vitamin D is also very important for dental health. Its deficiency can cause problems like tooth cavity and gum disease.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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