In today’s time, arranging marriage has become more challenging than before. It is not easy to decide to spend his whole life with a stranger. In such a situation, it is very important to ask the right question in the first meeting to choose the right partner. Relationship coach Surabhi Gandhi has shared a list of some important questions on Instagram, which can help in choosing the right partner in Orange Marriage.

If you are getting married too, then in the first meeting, ask these 5 questions, so that you can better understand your future partner’s personality, thinking and their planning regarding the future.

1) What do you like and dislike in your parents’ wedding?

This question will help you understand the family, upbringing and values ​​of the front.
This will give you an idea of ​​how the person in front sees the wedding and what they want to adopt or change in their marriage.
If someone has gone through a trauma in childhood or has a lot of love and mutual understanding in his family, then it will definitely have an effect on his thinking.

Why is it necessary?
If your partner does not like some special things in his parents’ relationship, then it is possible that he will not repeat those mistakes in his marriage.

2) How will we distribute responsibilities after marriage?

To make the relationship successful, it is very important to understand and share the responsibilities after marriage.
You can ask your partner how much he will participate in household chores and whether he will be able to make a balance between job and family.
Does it have any special thinking about financial management, household chores, children raising and other responsibilities?

Why is it necessary?
If the partner thinks that all the responsibility should be on only one person, then there may be a situation of imbalance in the future.

3) Why do you want to get married?

This is the most important question, which will help to understand whether the person in front is only getting married under social pressure or he really needs a partner.
If a person is getting married only to maintain society, family pressure or status, then it can cause problems in the relationship.
It is also important to know whether the partner sees marriage like friendship, support and teamwork.

Why is it necessary?
If the partner’s answer only indicates marriage due to family pressure or age, it can cause problems in the future.

4) How do you deal when there is a debate with someone in the house?

After marriage, there is a difference of opinion or debate in every relationship.
This question will help you understand how the front man handles any confrontation – reacts angrily or tries to solve it in a calm manner.
Does he use anger to get his point, or does he like to solve things from conversation?

Why is it necessary?
If the partner’s anger erupted very quickly or he tries to ignore the fight, it can be harmful to the relationship in the future.

5) What kind of people do you feel connected?

This question will help in understanding partner’s personality, social behavior and emotional intelligence.
Is he introverted or extravarted? Does he like to make more friends or is he happy with limited people?
If no one has many friends, it can also tell about his social skills.

Why is it necessary?
If there is a lot of difference between your and partner’s social behavior, then it can cause trouble later.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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