nuclear war: The world is in danger of a third world war. The way countries are getting embroiled in war one after the other, the whole world will be enraged. Then there are some countries which will not be affected by world war or atomic bomb. Determining which countries are safe in the event of a nuclear war depends on geography, political stability, military status, and political situation.
new zealand
Located in the South Pacific Ocean, this country is far away from the major nuclear weaponized countries of the world. There is political stability here and no big military organization is running here.
This country is isolated in the North Atlantic Ocean. Its military presence is small, making it difficult to target for a major military attack.
The country’s neutrality and strong bunker system provide it with potential security. The topography of this hilly area provides it security.
Chile’s long and thin shape and its geographical location in the Andes Mountains make it strategically protected from the Pacific Ocean. This President is far away from nuclear powers.
Antarctica has no major political or military importance. So that it can be considered safe in case of nuclear war. If needed, its empty and vast area can provide shelter to a large number of people.
Greenland is located between the North Atlantic and Arctic oceans. Which keeps it away from major military and economic centres. This is a far cry from the world’s major conflict zones and nuclear targets.
Indonesia is a large group of more than 17000 islands. Its range makes it difficult to identify and attack a single target. Due to the huge islands, a nuclear attack here may prove unsuccessful.
It is geographically distant from nuclear weapon states and politically neutral. Tuvalu has limited infrastructure, making it a difficult target for military operations.
Argentina is relatively safe from nuclear bombs because it is located in South America, away from global military conflicts and nuclear weapon states. Additionally, its neutral foreign policy and lack of strategic importance keeps it away from potential targets.
Uruguay is relatively safe from nuclear bombs because it is located in South America, far from global military conflicts and the sphere of influence of nuclear-armed countries. At the same time, its peaceful foreign policy and lack of military importance keep it away from potential targets.
What will happen to India?
Nuclear war could have very serious consequences for India. Neighboring countries Pakistan and China are nuclear rich countries and India is a nuclear power country. In such a situation, the situation will be very bad in case of war. A large number of people may die here.