South Cinema VS Bollywood: A war of words has started between filmmaker Boney Kapoor and Naga Vamsi in the North and South film industry. During a conversation, Lucky Bhaskar producer Naga Vamsi said that Telugu filmmakers have changed Hindi cinema. Because, Hindi filmmakers were stuck making films only for Bandra and Juhu. However, during this interview, Boney Kapoor defended Hindi films.

Films are an important part of foreign vapors

Boney Kapoor has also talked about the influence of Hindi and Telugu films across the world. The filmmaker said, ‘For example, Raj Kapoor is still remembered in Russia. When I went to Egypt they only talked about Amitabh Bachchan and Shahrukh Khan. Amitabh Bachchan’s name is popular in Morocco. In Morocco, the king first honored Amitabh and later Shahrukh Khan. There is a unique market for Telugu films and Tamil films. For example, Telugu films have a unique market in the US, while Tamil films have a strong presence in Singapore and Malaysia. This is an important part of foreign trade.


You used to make films only for Bandra and Juhu.

After listening to Bonnie, Vamsi said, ‘I want to add something to this. It may sound harsh, but it has changed the way we South Indians watch cinema, even for Bollywood. Because you people were stuck in making films for Bandra and Juhu. For example, now with movies like RRR, Baahubali, Animal, Jawan etc they have changed your version. After Mughal-e-Azam, you did films like Bahubali and RRR, which were Telugu films. Actually you have not talked about the name of any Hindi film after Mughal-e-Azam. Vamsi concluded that Hindi films directed by Telugu directors have performed better over the years.


Giving her point about this, Boney said, ‘When I was talking about historical matters. Look, we can’t discuss everything we know on this forum. You just have to talk in the broader context. So when I mention Mughal-e-Azam, Bahubali and other films, it is not that I miss those films. I know them but it is not that Telugu films have taught Indian cinema.


Vamsi again interrupted Boney and said, not taught sir, it is because of these mass, mass program films that we have rediscovered Hindi cinema. Boney reminded him of Allu Arjun’s interview in which he had claimed to be a big fan of Amitabh Bachchan.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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