Rajasthani songs: Just as Heer-Ranja, Sohni-Mahiwal and Shirin-Farhad are famous, similarly Dhola and Maru fed flowers of love in the sandy soil of Rajasthan. Even today, the newly married couple in Rajasthan is called Dhola-Maru couple. The word Dhola has become synonymous with husband and lover.
Know the story of the song ‘Kesari Balam’
The war that was not only fought in the battlefield, but also fought on the frames of the big war houses from where the warriors were bid farewell and then after closing the doors, the abandoned women tried their best to stop the tears flowing on their cheeks. There are not many stories written about this fight fought with tears, but the songs of women who have departed in disconnection make them feel moisture in the colorful and desolate deserts of Rajasthan.
Rajasthan’s identity is in those songs,
In which the husband or lover goes on war and does not return for months or years, due to which their girlfriends or wives remain in deep sorrow. Similarly, there are some songs in which lovers and girlfriends were separated and could not be found. Some words emerged from the spirit of separation and joined the verses in such a way that they have now become the identity of Rajasthan. If you want to explain Rajasthan without speaking, then a line of song ‘Kesariya Balam’ is enough.
Where did this beautiful song come from Rajasthan? What is his story?
Dhola-Maru’s love story in this song
There is a beautiful love story and the song itself is part of an old love story. The details of this song are recorded in Rani Lakshmi Kumari Chundawat’s famous book ‘Rajasthan Ke Prem Kathas’, and the saga that the song is part is named ‘Dhola-Maru Ki Prem Ki Prem’.
Story ‘
Just as Heer-Ranja, Sohni-Mahiwal and Sheerin-Farhad are famous, similarly Dhola and Maru fed flowers of love in sandy soils. Even today, the newly married couple in Rajasthan is called Dhola-Maru couple. The word ‘Dhola’ is synonymous with husband and lover.
The love story of Dhola-Maru, which is included in the folklore of Rajasthan, is told about the 8th century. The story is that King Nal of Narwar had a son named Dhola. His name was actually Shalkukumar, but his mother kept the name of that round prince, who used to laugh loudly in childhood.
Who is Dhola – who is mine?
Dhola was married to Maruvani, daughter of King Pingal of Pongal kingdom of Bikaner in his childhood. At that time Dhola was only three years old and Maru was only one and a half years old. Now the marriage is over, the boy’s family returned to his kingdom and Maru was kept in his parents’ house due to his childhood and it was decided that when she grew up, she would be given away with great pomp. Day, month, years and years started passing on this issue. Meanwhile, there was a famine in Pingal and it was found that the entire state was destroyed.
Dhola married again
Years past . When Dhola grew up, he got married another. Dhola had almost forgotten about his childhood marriage, but his wife somehow came to know about Dhola’s marriage and also that King Pingal had gone to another place due to famine, his family was still alive and Maru was so beautiful that there was no one as him in seven states.
Dhola’s wife used to kill messengers.
And Maru’s family sent several messages to King Narwar to send him back, but due to jealousy, Dhola’s wife killed the messengers every time on the border of Narwar and not let a single message reach the king or Dhola. One day Maru dreamed that someone was calling him, but he could not see his face. Maru requested his father Pingal to send a message to Dhola again.
Raja Pingal planned to send the message.
This time King Pingal thought that to send the message, there should be someone who can send the message without pretending to send the message. The king then chose a wise drummer for this task and a dancer also went with him. Dhol moved forward, singing songs of love on the beat of the dhol, and the dancers brought them to those songs through beautiful dances. Thus, after a long journey of seven months, both of them reached Narwar.
This time a messenger
Did not come, only Dholi and dancer came with them. Dhola’s wife’s soldiers did not stop her and were engrossed in listening to her song. In this way the drummer and the dancer reached the king’s palace.
When Dholi was going to Narwar, Maruwani called him and gave couplets in Maru raga and explained how to sing in front of Dholi. Dholi (singer) promised Maruwani that if he remained alive, he would bring back Dhola and if he could not do so, then understand that he died.
How did the clever drummer convey the message?
The clever dholi somehow disguised the beggar and reached the palace of Dhola in Narwar and then he started singing loudly as soon as night. It was a night surrounded by clouds, lightning was shining in the dark night and in the calm atmosphere of rain, Dholi started singing in Malhar raga. In such a pleasant atmosphere, the melodious music of Malhar raga of Dholi started echoing in the ears of Dhola and Dhola started listening to the songs of Dholi with great fervor. Then the drummer sang in clear words –
Dhola started feeling dizzy as soon as he heard Pungal in the song. He found this name familiar and familiar. His heart started hurting. He called the drummer and said – and sing… Then the drummer and the dancer sang in a loud voice.
Hearing this, Dhola remembered his mother, his in -laws Pingal and his love. He immediately rode on a sharp black camel and went to Pingal and sent to Maru. However, their relationship was still not easy. On the way from Narwar to Pingal, Dhola had to go through many conflicts, which is described in detail in the folk tale of Dhola-Maru. In fact, this entire folklore is in a similar lyrical style, in which words are given to every struggle of Dhola-Maru.
Who first sang this beautiful song of the battlefield as an independent song? The answer is Allah Jilalah Bai. Its first famous performance was given by Padma Shri Award winner folk singer Allah Jillahi Bai in the court of Maharaja Ganga Singhji.