Mobile Phone Addiction: In today’s era, mobile has become an important part of people’s life. If you do not have a mobile with you even for a short while, it seems as if life has stopped. People may be doing anything, but they definitely have a mobile in their hand. Even children do not stay away from mobile for a minute. Not only this, even one-two year old children have started insisting on mobile. In such a situation, it has become a bit difficult for parents to keep children away from mobile.

Every day on social media, people keep telling ways to get rid of mobile addiction in some way or the other. One such video is now going viral on social media, in which the teacher adopted such a method to keep the children away from mobile that the children will get scared just by seeing the mobile. The viral video is of a school in Badaun, Uttar Pradesh. Where the teacher has adopted a unique method to make the children aware.


It is seen in the video that the teachers have staged a drama in front of the children in the school so that the children stay away from the phone. In the video, you can see that a teacher comes blindfolded and tells while crying that she has looked at the mobile many times in the last few days, that is why her eyes are bleeding. On hearing this, the children get scared and start looking at the teacher.

After this, when the teacher asks the children to look at the phone, the children refuse out of fear. When the teacher asks if they will use the mobile now, the children refuse. This video has been shared on X by a user named @VikashMohta_IND. The video has been viewed about 9 lakh times so far. Many users are also commenting on the video. People say that this effort of the teachers is really commendable, but this method can be adopted only with small children.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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