Hrithik Roshan, Abhishek Bachchan, and Aishwarya Rai starrer film Dhoom 2, released on 24 November 2006, was a hit at the box office. The story, action and songs of the film proved to be a superhit, especially the song ‘Crazy Kiya Re’ filmed on Aishwarya Rai. But do you know that for this song and the character of Monali, Aishwarya was given an ultimatum to lose 5 kg in just 10 days?

Transformation from the film “Guru” to Dhoom 2

Before the shooting of Dhoom 2 started, Aishwarya was shooting for the film Guru, in which she had gained a little weight. However, her character Monali in Dhoom 2 was to be seen in a glamorous and fit avatar.

  • The film’s producer Aditya Chopra told Aishwarya that he wanted to present her in a completely new, fit and stylish look.
  • For this he gave an ultimatum to Aishwarya to lose weight in 10 days.

With fitness trainer Satyajit Chaurasia

After this ultimatum of Aditya Chopra, Aishwarya’s fitness trainer Satyajit Chaurasia took this challenge seriously.

  • The trainer was present with Aishwarya at the shooting location of Dhoom 2.
  • He prepared a customized fitness plan for him.

Aishwarya’s customized fitness plan

  1. Workout Routine:
    • strength training: To tone the body and strengthen the muscles.
    • Cardio Exercise: To burn calories and lose weight.
    • Flexibility Workouts: To improve action scenes and dance moves.
  2. Diet Plan:
    • Aishwarya was asked to follow a strict diet chart.
    • low-calorie diet: In which junk food and sweets were completely removed.
    • More and more protein and fiber rich food was included.

Aishwarya’s dedication and results

Aishwarya lost her weight in just 10 days by following a strict fitness regime and diet.

  • His hard work and dedication surprised not only the film team but also his fans.
  • Aishwarya’s glamorous and fit avatar in the song ‘Crazy Kiya Re’ is still present in the hearts of the audience.

Dhoom 2: A memorable film

Dhoom 2 was one of the most successful films of that year. Aishwarya’s transformation and her commitment to the character exemplified her acting and professionalism.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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