Bollywood actress Shraddha Kapoor: The year 2024 has been very exciting for Bollywood beauty Shraddha Kapoor. Rahasmay returned to the silver screen as Stree from Stree 2. In which Rajkumar Rao starrer this horror comedy film Cord Break had made tremendous collection at the box office. While Shraddha and Raj enthralled fans with their adorable chemistry, the surprise cameos of Akshay Kumar, Varun Dhawan and Tamannaah Bhatia also took everyone by surprise. But it has been more than four months since Stree 2 was released and now netizens are eagerly waiting for Shraddha’s next film. Recently in an interview, the actress told about her upcoming films that she has signed three films. But no official announcement has been made yet.



When asked in the interview whether we will get more information about you in the beginning of 2025, Shraddha replied yes, there is good news for the fans. After watching the video, many internet users criticized Shraddha’s acting skills. In which a user said that Shraddha will be seen acting like this in all the films. Another social media user wrote, she may not be a good actress but she is definitely an entertainer. A prodigious dancer, most of his films did well. He has made his mark among the people. I want him to also improve his acting.

Great first day of the year, great start of the year

Shraddha Kapoor has shared her pictures on social media. The actress took to her social media handle to announce a great start to the year 2025. The actress spent time with Jim and his family. The actress said that her first day of the new year has been amazing. He also shared pictures of dry fruits and blueberries. In the third photo, she is seen with colorful flowers. In the fourth picture, she is seen with two pet dogs. Whose caption was, beginning of 2025.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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