Mumbai – Mumbai Police is going to recreate the crime scene in the case of attack on the actor at the Bandra house of Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan. The accused will be taken to the spot and exact information about the crime committed by him will be obtained.
High profile case accused Shariful Islam Shahzad Mohammad Rohilla Amin Faqir has been given five days police custody. According to the officer, the police will recreate the crime scene as part of their investigation and will take Shehzad to Khan’s house in the ‘Satguru Sharan’ building in Bandra during these five days.
Police said that accused Shariful had entered the Bollywood star’s apartment with the intention of theft. He climbed the seventh-eighth floor of the building. Then entered the ducted area and climbed up to the 12th floor with the help of a pipe and entered Saif’s flat through the bathroom window. Actor Saif was seriously injured in a scuffle that broke out after he was spotted by staff when he came out of the bathroom.