New Delhi: Aam Aadmi Party, Congress and BJP have announced to distribute free cars to the public when assembly elections are held in Delhi next month. For the last few years, most of the parties have been announcing distribution of free ‘Revdis’ to the people during the Lok Sabha and Assembly elections, in such a situation, on Thursday, economist and 16th NITI Aayog Chairman Arvind Panagariya has warned the public about the free ‘Revdis’ available in the country. He said, people have to decide whether they want free roads or good roads, good drains and clean water supply.

If we look at the trends of election manifestos of various political parties and governments in the country, it seems that the parties and governments are taking more interest in distributing free buses to the public, because this task is very easy for them. But in the long run its consequences for the government exchequer can be fatal.

There is a similar difference between free travel and public welfare schemes, economist Arvind Panagariya said after a meeting between the NITI Aayog delegation and top ministers of Goa. Explaining the difference between free revivo and public welfare schemes, Panagariya said, “If you give a person a fish, he will have food for a day, but if you teach a person to fish, you will give him food for life.” Can give full meal.”

However, in today’s time governments are finding it convenient to give fish to people every day, as it is an easy task. But the government is not emphasizing on educating people about the hard work of fishing and then providing opportunities for it. Because this work is difficult.

States often seek funding from the central government for projects, but use it to give out ‘freebies’. In this context, Panagariya said that the money given for the project should be used for that project only. Project funds should not be used for free things. Money for freebies should be allocated from the general budget. These funds come from the states’ own tax revenues. However, the final decision on this has to be taken by the democratically elected government. NITI Aayog does not take this decision. NITI Aayog may take up this issue in the interest of macroeconomic stability.

He said that it is entirely up to the people of the country whether they choose free Revadi or choose it based on the work of the government. If citizens vote for a government based on free amenities, they may demand free transportation. Also the citizens have to decide what they want. Are they better facilities, better water export facility, better water, better roads or free rewari which involves money transfer directly to your bank account.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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