Mahakumbh stampede: After the stampede at Prayagraj Mahakumbh in Uttar Pradesh, the Bharatiya Janata Party government of the state is facing criticism from all sides. After political parties, reactions are also coming from saints and mahants. In such a situation, the statement of Shankaracharya Avimukteshwaranand Saraswati has also come out. He said, ‘The current government no longer has the moral right to remain in power.’

The government should have made extensive preparations

While giving a big statement on the stampede at Prayagraj Mahakumbh, Shankaracharya said, ‘The incident of stampede has exposed the government’s system. The officials were already claiming 40 crores in Mahakumbh and 10 crore devotees on Mauni Amavasya. According to this, they should have made extensive preparations.

Shankaracharya further said about the incident, ‘This incident shows that the preparation was not complete and the lives of the people were played. If there is a seating arrangement of 1000 people in a function in our house, then we should not call 5000 people there. This is what happened in Mahakumbh.

No concrete system on ground zero- Shankaracharya

Shankaracharya said about the arrangements of Mahakumbh, ‘After getting information about good arrangements, devotees came here but there was no concrete system for them on the ground zero.

Shankaracharya Avimukteshwaranand Saraswati says, “On all government social media accounts including CM Yogi, people are being appealed not to pay attention to rumors instead of giving true information about the incident.” In such a situation, a priest like him was not aware of this incident. If the information of the incident was found at the right time, then people would have followed the traditions.


Very strict action is needed.

Criticizing the system of the current government, Shankaracharya said, ‘This is a big failure of the current government. Such a government has no moral right to remain in power, the government should remove itself or those responsible should intervene in the case. This is such a sad incident that has questioned the safety of Sanatanis.

Shankaracharya Avimukteshwaranand Saraswati says, “If action is not taken against those responsible for this incident, then the possibility of a big incident cannot be ruled out in the coming days. Very strict action is needed in such a case.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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