Home Remedies for Yellow Teeth: Banana is a fruit which we should include in our diet. Because nutrients like fiber, potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, vitamin C and vitamin A are found in abundance in it, which prove beneficial for our overall health. Eating 1 to 2 bananas at the beginning of the day will keep your body energetic throughout the day. It keeps your stomach full for longer time, thereby preventing you from overeating. In a way it also helps you in losing weight.

Apart from this, the banana peel which we throw away considering it useless, makes dirty and yellow teeth naturally white and shiny. Yes, if you use it regularly like a brush, then gradually you can get its benefits. Here we are sharing 3 ways to use banana peel to clean teeth.

How to clean teeth with banana peel
First of all, take 2 medium sized peels. – Now the pulp has to be taken out with the help of a spoon. Then the pulp has to be mashed well in a bowl. – Now add half teaspoon white salt to it and mix well. After this you have to add lemon juice to it and finally mix whatever toothpaste you use daily. – Now you have to leave the prepared paste for 5 minutes, so that all the ingredients used in it mix well.

how to use
You have to take this paste on the brush and then gently rub it on your teeth. Do not rub it with too much pressure on the teeth. You should rub it well on the places where there are marks of gutka or there is excessive yellowness. Now you have to rinse thoroughly with water. One thing to keep in mind is that this paste should not be applied on the gums. Secondly, if you do not want to use a brush, you can also apply it on your teeth with the help of fingers. This method will also be equally effective.

Another use of banana peel
That is, wash it with plain water first. Then you take a piece of banana peel and rub it on your teeth. You can apply this remedy twice a day. If you cannot do this during the day, then before sleeping at night, rub the banana peel thoroughly on your teeth and rinse with plain water before sleeping. This will also prove to be very beneficial for your oral health.

If you adopt these two remedies of banana peel, you can get relief from every dental problem including bad breath, bleeding gums, yellow teeth etc. within a week.

Why are bananas and their peels beneficial?
Banana peel contains nutrients like potassium, magnesium and manganese which help in whitening teeth. Apart from this, banana works as a natural bleaching agent, which helps in removing stains from teeth and increasing whiteness. Banana peel contains elements like calcium and phosphorus which strengthen teeth.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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