New Passport Rules: This is important news for those who are considering applying for new passports or passport renewal. The central government has changed the rules of passport application. Due to which the process of submission of documents has become strict. Therefore, it has now become mandatory to follow the documents and procedures required for passports.

According to the notification issued by the Indian Gazette, Indian citizens wishing to apply for new or renewed passports will have to follow the revised guidelines of the Center. These new rules may apply as Passport (Amendment) Rules, 2025.

Now compulsory birth certificate

People born on or after 1 October 2023 will be required to submit a birth certificate while applying for passport. If there is no birth certificate, then the passport cannot be applied. The Municipal Corporation registers birth and death. From whom can the birth certificate be obtained? In addition, the birth certificate issued by any institution recognized under the Birth and Death Registration Act, 1969 is valid.

Options for older applicants

People born before 1 October 2023 can use one of the following documents as a birth proof.

– Copy of government service records

– PAN card

– Driving license

– school leaving Certificate

– Matriculation certificate

– Public Life Insurance Business Policy Bond

-Aadhaar Card and E-Aadhaar

– EPIC – Election Photo Identity Card

The address will be digitally embedded.

Residential address will be digital embeding as proof of address for passports. With the aim of improving security and privacy, residential address will not be printed on the final page of the passport. Instead, this data will be stored in the barcode. So that if needed, the immigration officer can scan the barcode and get information about the address.

These documents are essential for the address of the address.

Electricity bill

Telephone Bill (Postpaid Mobile and Landline)

water bill

Aadhar card

Rent agreement

Income tax assessment order

Election Commission picture identity card

Gas connection proof

Employment certificate with official letterhead

Passport copy (if the applicant is a minor)

Passport copy of spouse

Passbook issued by Regional Rural Bank, Private Bank or Cooperative Bank

Now parents’ names will not be printed on passport

According to the new passport rules, the name of the parents will not be written on the final page of the passport. This decision is taken with the aim of keeping data confidential. This decision will be beneficial for single guardian and orphaned children.

Passport Seva Kendra will be expanded

The number of passport service centers will be increased with the objective of providing benefits of passport services to all people. The application and verification process will be intensified. In the next five years, the number of passport service centers will be increased from 442 to 600. The Ministry of External Affairs and the Department of Posts have signed the project.

Identification of passport based on color

With the aim of making the identity easier, now the coding system based on the color of the passport has been implemented. In which government officials will get white passports, diplomats will get red passport and blue passport to ordinary citizens.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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