The headquarters of the Congress Party will be officially shifted to 9A Kotla Road on January 15 at 10 am. Earlier, the party flag was lowered from the old headquarters at 24 Akbar Road, which had been the headquarters of the Congress for the last 46 years. The new building is equipped with modern facilities and is completely designed in corporate style. It consists of six floors.
The headquarters of the Congress was established at 24 Akbar Road, Venkataswamy’s residence in 1978. Since then this place has been the center of Congress for almost 47 years. The Congress Party had historically won more than 414 seats from this headquarters in 1985, while in 2014 this number had come down to only 44.
The headquarters of the Congress was established in early 1978 after the post-Emergency elections at 24 Akbar Road. The foundation stone of the new headquarters, called Indira Bhawan, was laid by UPA Chairperson Sonia Gandhi on 28 December 2009. Now its formal inauguration will take place on 15 January 2025.