Mahakumbh Mela 2025: Currently, preparations for the Mahakumbh Mela are being finalized in Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh. There is a gathering of monks from all over the country. This also includes Tangtoda Sadhu, who is said to have a tough choice. The renunciant who chooses the path of spirituality by renouncing his parents and himself is called Naga in Sat Shaiva Akhara. In the big sad arena they are called Tangtoda. He is included in the core team of the Akhara. The process of making them is very complex. The interview conducted for it (UPSC) is even tougher than the interview for IAS in Civil Services Examination.

Shri Panchayati Akhara, Mahant and Chief Saint of about five thousand ashrams, monasteries and temples of Bade Udsin spread all over the country, Nirvani conducts the process of making Tangtoda to his worthy disciples. After this they are presented in front of the playing panel, which in a way acts like an interview board for the Akhara. Their interview is said to be more difficult than that of IAS and PCS because the answers to the questions asked are not found in any book. There is no mock interview like IAS.


It requires going through a difficult process of several days.

This process is so difficult that hardly a dozen disciples are able to succeed in it. After passing through here, the disciple is taken to the Sangam and bathed, after which an oath is taken to take Sannyasa and carry forward the tradition of the Akhara. It is brought to the Akhara and worshiped before the desired deity. These are kept under the open sky in a cloth (loincloth) for 24 hours for several days before being set on fire. Then permission is given to join the ascetic tradition.

A secret question related to the service is asked

The playing panel asks them a question which can only be answered by a disciple who has attained the real presence of the saint. Mango is asked a secret question related to his Gurumantra, cooking. Saints give this information only to their staunch disciples, who have served for a long time. The Tangtoda process occurs when the members of the Vadan Samiti are fully convinced that the disciple is suitable to enter the ascetic tradition.

Shri Mahant Maheshwar Das of Shri Panchayati Akhara Mota Udasin says, only the disciple who imbibes the tradition of the Akhara in the company of the Gurus of Mota Udasin Akhara becomes Tangtoda. Before this there is an interview in which secret questions related to the Akhara are asked which cannot be found in any book.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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