The person who attacked actor Saif Ali Khan has been identified as a Bangladeshi citizen, who illegally entered India. After this incident, the Maharashtra government has started a campaign across the state, taking a tough stance against the intruders. The government says that it is very important to stop Bangladeshi and Rohingya infiltration.

Birth and death certificate

The Maharashtra government has taken a big step in this context and has banned the issuance of birth and death certificates in a year or more old cases. Earlier, certificates were issued after investigation of local authorities in these cases, but now it is being strictly taken on it. This ban will remain in force in almost all the districts of the state for at least the next 6 months.

Bangladeshi and Rohingya intruders figures

Former BJP MP Kirit Somaiya claimed that 4318 in Malegaon, 4537 in Amravati, and about 15,000 Bangladeshi and Rohingya intruders in Akola had illegally settled. He alleged that these people have birth certificates made with fake documents.

Formation of SIT for investigation

The Ministry of Home Affairs has formed a special investigation team (SIT) to investigate these serious allegations. This team will investigate all the cases deeply and submit its report within six months. Based on the report, it will be decided to lift the ban on birth and death certificate.

Misuse of fake documents

Some officials said that there is no problem in issuing certificates in recent deaths or birth cases. But in old cases, incidents of making certificates through fake documents have come to light. These certificates are often used for illegal activities.

Possibility of strict rules

The government has taken this step immediately to deal with this problem. Also, plans to make the rules of birth and death certificate making more strictness are also being considered. Especially a separate arrangement can be made to investigate old cases.

Misuse of changes in rules

By 2023, a judicial inquiry was required to issue certificates in cases of one year or more. But the central government gave changes in the rules and gave the District Collector and SDM the right to issue the certificate after investigation. Officials say this exemption has been misused in many areas. There have been cases of making certificates from fake documents, especially in Muslim -dominated areas, such as Malegaon and Amravati.

This initiative of the Maharashtra government aims to prevent illegal infiltration in the state and end the misuse of fake documents. The process of change in rules in the coming times can prove to be important in this direction.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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