Superhit film of Anil Kapoor and Madhuri Dixit ‘Son’ One of the memorable films of the 90s. This film not only became a success at the box office, but its songs and Anil-Madhuri’s pairing were also greatly liked by the audience. But very few people know that the first half of the film that the audience saw was rewritten and shot.

Director’s dissatisfaction with the first half

The film’s director Indra Kumar revealed in an interview with Siddharth Kanan that when he ‘Son’ When he watched the first trial show, he found the first half very weak and nonsense. He said,
“I liked the second half, but I was not satisfied with the first half. The distributors were happy after the trial show, but I could not be convinced. That night I told Ashok (producer of the film) that I would have to reshoot the first half.”

Rewritten script and shooting

Indra Kumar told that the team went to Khandala and the first half was rewritten. He said,
“Ashok ji agreed to the new script, and the first half was re-shot in 35-40 days. When he saw the new first half, he was surprised and said, ‘This is your new first half?’

Anil Kapoor’s professionalism

The biggest challenge was to convince Anil Kapoor about the new changes, because the changed script was more focused on Madhuri’s character. Indra told,
“When I narrated the entire script to Anil, he listened to me quietly. After this he said, ‘You played my band. Now people will name the film ‘Beti’ instead of ‘Beta’. But yes, your film will be a blockbuster.’”

Praising Anil Kapoor’s professional attitude, Indra said,
“Had it been any other actor, he might never have done this. Anil said, ‘I am worried about only one thing that the film should be a hit.’

Anil and Madhuri’s amazing chemistry

Indra Kumar also praised the pairing of Anil Kapoor and Madhuri Dixit. He told,
“Both were good friends and respected each other a lot. Anil used to care a lot for Madhuri, and even today Anil goes crazy after hearing her name.”

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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