Elon can open the gates of the mask universe: Nostradamus of modern times says that Elon Musk can accidentally bring us into contact with aliens. 38 -year -old Ethos Salom believes that Musk, the world’s richest man, is hiding something about his neuralic company. The company is working on a brain implant chip.
Neuralic Chips and Alien Connection
According to a Daily Star report, Salom, called Brazilian ‘Prophet’ and ‘Live Nostradamus’, believe that Musk is looking for an alien connection with his neurolink chips.
Technical experts are called ‘Employees Brain-Computer Interface’ (BCI). Neuralink said in February this year that it had successfully transplanted the chip in the human brain for the first time. The company claims that this will help the paralyzed people to run again or they will be able to work on their thoughts.
Wisdom will reach beyond the dimension of survival
Nostradamus said, “If we analyze the ideas of Karl Jung about collective unconscious or quantum mind the principles, which believe that consciousness cannot be limited to the brain, neuralic can act as a bridge.” So will it be possible to access intelligence beyond this spatial record, even by our dimensions?
Possible communication with aliens
Salom believes that Musk is inadvertently creating a device to interact with alien intelligence or other civilizations.
There will be something like telepathy.
Salomi believes that technology will be developed that will try to use a form called telepathy by scientists. It can open the way of communication in various dimensions.
Many predictions have come true.
Salomi had previously predicted Corona and Ukraine War, which proved to be true. He has also predicted the disintegration of the British royal family and the disease of King Charles.