New Delhi: Bollywood’s King Khan Shah Rukh Khan is in limelight for his upcoming film Jawan. Discussions of this film of the actor are going on not only in the country but also outside the country. This film is going to be the second biggest VFX film of Shah Rukh Khan’s career. His fans are eagerly waiting for this film. Shah Rukh Khan’s worldwide fans are eagerly waiting for this film of the actor.
From India to Pakistan, Dubai and other countries, there are many such fans of Shah Rukh Khan who consider him like a deity. Shahrukh has many fan pages on social media. If someone says something wrong about Shahrukh Khan, then his fans get angry and forget their language, their country and start supporting Shahrukh Khan.
Pakist. actress Mahnoor Baloch has done something, due to which she has come into the limelight. Mahnoor Baloch has given a big statement about Shahrukh. After which the fans of the actor are furious at him.
According to the report of a private channel, the Pakist. actress talked about Shahrukh Khan during a show where she spoke negatively about Shahrukh Khan’s acting and his looks. He told that Shahrukh Khan is a brilliant businessman and he knows how to market himself.
The actress said that she does not know how to act, with this she said that Shahrukh Khan is a very good personality but if you look at the parameter of beauty, then Shahrukh Khan does not live up to that parameter at all. He said that there are many better actors than Shahrukh but he is not as successful as him.
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