Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): The Education Committee meeting of the Bhopal Zila Panchayat held on Thursday turned tense as members highlighted issues like teacher shortages, dilapidated school buildings, bad drinking water quality in schools and teacher attachments. The members have also said that teachers should come school on time, as they are always late.
During the discussion, Block Academic Coordinator (BAC) Vijendra Singh Bhadauria made a controversial statement while discussing administrative challenges. Referring to the limited authority of the District Education Officer (DEO), Bhadauria said, “If there’s an issue, go to the minister and tell them. Raise the matter where it belongs. Put their (DEO’s) hands into a snake’s burrow, but they don’t know the scorpion’s mantra”. He further said, How will the work get done?” They (DEO) have no power in their hands.
After Bhaduaria’s remarks, the situation escalated as committee members demanded immediate action against the BAC for his behavior.
DEO N.K. Ahirwar told Free Press that a notice would be issued to Bhadauria, as using such language in front of respected committee members is unacceptable.