Mishra had a productive day for Indian tennis players in the ATP Tour tournament on Wednesday. Indian tennis star Yuki Bhambri and his French partner Albano Olivetti reached the quarterfinals of the ASB Classic tennis tournament played in Auckland.


Bhambri and Olivetti defeated the pair of Sander Arends and Luke Johnson. The India-France pair won in straight sets 6-4, 6-4. They were successful in defeating their rival pair in a match that lasted just 71 minutes. Bhambri and Olivetti will now face the winner of the match between Julian Cash and Leong Glasspool and Ariz Rai and Kiranpal Pannu. On the other hand, India’s N. Sriram Balaji and his Mexican partner Miguel Reyel Varela were eliminated from the competition after their defeat. Despite winning the first set, they lost to the fourth seeded pair of Harry Heliovara and Henry Patton. Their match lasted for one hour and 23 minutes. Balaji will now represent India against Togo in the Davis Cup.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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